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JR Pass – Japanese Passport

日本国籍をお持ちでJAPAN RAIL PASSをご購入の方へ
Japanese Nationals Wishing to Purchase a JAPAN RAIL PASS

JAPAN RAIL PASSを購入するにあたっては、購入資格・引換条件・注意事項について以下のことをご確認・承諾いただく必要がございます。
In order to purchase a JAPAN RAIL PASS, you must verify and acknowledge the followings :

1:購入資格について Eligibility

You have been living in a country outside of Japan for 10 consecutive years or more.

下記項目のいずれかを証明する書類が必要 You need one of the following written proof: 購入資格確認書類
Documents used to verify purchase eligibility 

  1. 在外公館が交付する「在留届の写し」(在留届の受付日付が10年以上前のものに限る。)
    “Copy of your Overseas Residential Registration” issued by the embassy or legation of Japan in the foreign country where you live (limited to an Overseas Residential Registration with a date of acceptance at least 10 years earlier)
  2. 在外公館が発行する「在留証明」(「現住所に住所(または住居)を定めた年月日」として、 10年以上前の年月が記載されたものに限る。)
    “Certificate of Overseas Residence” issued by the embassy or legation of Japan in the foreign country where you live (limited to a Certificate of Overseas Residence with a date at least 10 years earlier as the date on which your address (or place of temporary residence) was established as your present address)
  3. 特例として、「アメリカ、カナダ、ブラジルに限り、在留国が発行する永住カード」 (当該国に10年以上在留していることが記載されたものに限る。)
    As a special case limited to the USA, Brazil, and Canada, the Permanent Resident Card issued by these 3 countries (limited to a Permanent Resident Card confirming your stay in the relevant country for 10 years or more)

または Or

You are a child under 12 years of age whose stay in the country is less than 10 years.

You need the following written proof:
Documents used to verify purchase eligibility 

  1. 在外公館が交付する「在留届の写し」 (一通の「在留届の写し」において「在留期間が連続して10年以上である方」と同居していることが確認でき、 かつその方と一緒にJRパスを利用する場合に限る。)
    “Copy of your Overseas Residential Registration” issued by the embassy or legation of Japan in the foreign country where you live (Only when a single “Copy of the Overseas Residential Registration” verifies that they live with the person whose stay in the country is 10 consecutive years or more, and they also use the JR Pass together with that person)

2:その他注意事項について Other conditions

  1. 訪日される際は、購入資格を確認した書類の原本を必ずお持ちいただき、日本国内のパス引換え箇所にて提示ください。 書類の提示がない場合は引換えができません。
    When you visit Japan, be sure to bring original documents used to verify your purchase eligibility and present them at a JAPAN RAIL PASS exchange location in Japan. You will not be able to turn in your Exchange Order for a pass if you fail to submit this documentation.
  2. 日本と日本以外の両方のパスポートをお持ちの方(二重国籍の方)は、日本国の入国管理法上、日本のパスポートにて帰国の確認を受けなければ ならないことになっています。
    If you have passports from both Japan and your country of residence (i.e., if you have dual nationality), you are supposed to enter Japan with your Japanese passport under the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act in Japan.
  3. 引換え条件を満たさないために引換えが出来ない場合、日本国滞在中のJR線のご利用に関する補償はJRグループからは一切出来ません。
    If you are unable to turn in your Exchange Order for a pass because you fail to meet the exchange conditions, you will not be eligible to receive any compensation from the JR Group for use of JR lines during your stay in Japan.
  4. 引換証に関するお問い合わせは当店舗へお願いいたします。
    Questions about Exchange Orders should be directed to the store selling Exchange Orders.

■ New eligibility requirements for sales of an Exchange Order for JAPAN RAIL PASS starting June 1, 2017

People who have both their Japanese passport and written proof—obtained from the embassy or legation of Japan in the foreign country where they live—that they have been living legally in the country for 10 consecutive years or more

* You must present both your passport and proof of eligibility to purchase an Exchange Order in a country other than Japan, and to exchange your Exchange Order for a JAPAN RAIL PASS in Japan.

* You cannot use a photocopy of your passport to purchase an Exchange Order or to exchange your Exchange Order for a JAPAN RAIL PASS.

* You can purchase an Exchange Order and exchange it for a JAPAN RAIL PASS only if your stay in the country for 10 consecutive years or more is verified by such written proof.

■ Acceptable written proof

(1) Copy of your Overseas Residential Registration issued by the embassy or legation of Japan in the foreign country where you live (limited to an Overseas Residential Registration with a date of acceptance at least 10 years earlier)

(2) Certificate of Overseas Residence issued by the embassy or legation of Japan in the foreign country where you live (limited to a Certificate of Overseas Residence with a date at least 10 years earlier as the date on which your address (or place of temporary residence) was established as your present address)

(3) As a special case limited to the USA, Brazil, and Canada, the Permanent Resident Card issued by these 3 countries can be used as written proof until further notice (limited to a Permanent

Resident Card confirming your stay in the relevant country for 10 years or more). * Written proof documents (1), (2) and (3) specified above have to have issue date before the JR passes are applied. The documents without the issue date are not valid.

* In regard to (1), if a single copy of your Overseas Residential Registration verifies that any family members living with you in the country have stayed for 10 consecutive years or more, such a document is valid for those family members.

* Concerning children (under 12 years of age) whose stay in the country is less than 10 years at the time of purchase of an Exchange Order, if a single copy of the Overseas Residential Registration stated in

(1) verifies that they live together with the applicant whose stay in the country is 10 consecutive years or more, and if they also use the JAPAN RAIL PASS together with that applicant, their eligibility requirements are satisfied.

* The copy of the Overseas Residential Registration and the Certificate of Overseas Residence are only valid for 6 months after the date of issue.

* You cannot use a photocopy of your written proof to purchase an Exchange Order or to exchange your Exchange Order for a JAPAN RAIL PASS.

* Definition of “10 years or more”: At the time of purchase of an Exchange Order, a date in the same month 10 years earlier or before is valid.

(Example) In the case of the purchase of an Exchange Order on June 1, 2017, a date any time in June 2007 or earlier is valid.

(A date between June 1 and June 30, 2007 is deemed as “June 2007” and valid.)

* You can purchase an Exchange Order and exchange it for a JAPAN RAIL PASS only if you can present any one of the written proof described in the above (1) to (3).

■ When Exchange Orders can be purchased and exchanged

– Period when Exchange Orders can be purchased outside Japan: From June 1, 2017, through December 31, 2020

– Period when Exchange Orders can be exchanged for a JAPAN RAIL PASS in Japan: From June 1, 2017, through March 30, 2021

■ Information needed in each written proof to meet the eligibility requirements

(1) Copy of your Overseas Residential Registration issued by the embassy or legation of Japan in the foreign country where you live

  1. “The date of acceptance by the embassy or legation abroad(在外公館受付日付)” must be at least 10 years earlier than the date of purchase of an Exchange Order.
  2. The name and “date of birth(生年月日)” must be the same as those in your passport.
  3. When “family members living with you(同居家族)” are recorded in a single copy of the Overseas Residential Registration and “there date of arrival(到着日)” is also recorded therein, in addition to the above 1, “the date of arrival(到着日)” must be at least 10 years earlier than the date of purchase of an Exchange Order.
    (If “the date of arrival(到着日)” is at least 10 years earlier, but “the date of acceptance(在外公館受付日付)” is less than 10 years, such a case does not meet the eligibility requirements.)
    * However, for children (under 12 years of age) whose stay in the country is less than 10 years (their age can be verified by the date of birth in their passport), as long as a single copy of the Overseas Residential Registration verifies that they live with the applicant whose stay in the country is 10 consecutive years or more, and they also use the JAPAN RAIL PASS with that applicant, such children meet the eligibility requirements. In the case of a copy of an Overseas Residential Registration issued solely for a child under 12 years of age, if the child’s stay in the country is less than 10 years, they do not meet the eligibility requirements.

The name of the issuing embassy or legation abroad and the issue date must be in the form of a stamp, and the issue date must be within the 6 months prior to the date of purchase of the Exchange Order.

(2) Certificate of Overseas Residence issued by the embassy or legation of Japan in the foreign country where you live

  1. The name and “date of birth(生年月日)” must be the same as those in your passport. (Recording of your permanent domicile is not required.)
  2. The “date on which the address was established(上記の場所に住所(又は居所)を定めた 年月日)” given in the Certificate of Overseas Residence must be at least 10 years earlier than the date of purchase of the Exchange Order. Please note, if “any past address(過去の住所)” is recorded in “Form 2(形式 2)”, such a case is limited to those where the applicant has
    continuously lived in a region under the care of the same embassy or legation abroad.

    The name of the embassy or legation, issue date, and official stamp must be recorded, and the issue date must be within the 6 months prior to the date of purchase of the Exchange Order.

    There are two types of Certificate of Overseas Residence: “Form 1(形 式1)” and “Form 2(形式2)”. Please note “Form 1(形式1)” does not have sections for “any past addresses(過去の住所)” or “family members living together(同居家族)”.

  3. If you have a history of changes of address, such changes must be proved on the second page of “Form 2(形式 2)”. “Past addresses(過去の住所)”: In the case of continuous residence in the relevant country
    (If you have moved to a region cared for by a different embassy or legation abroad, Certificates of Overseas Residence may not meet the requirements. If a single Certificate of Overseas Residence does not prove that you have lived for 10 consecutive years or more in the relevant country, you cannot purchase an Exchange Order and exchange it for a JAPAN RAIL PASS.)
    * “Family members living together(同居家族)”: This Certificate of Overseas Residence does not verify the eligibility requirements of family members living with you, including children under 12 years of age whose stay in the country is less than 10 years.
    As written proof of the family members living with you, please use a copy of an Overseas Residential Registration or present individual Certificate(s) of Overseas Residence.

(3) Permanent Resident Card issued by your country of residence

(Special case limited to the USA, Brazil, and Canada until further notice)

The United States of America


  1. The name and date of birth must be the same as those in your passport.
  2. The date recorded in Resident Since must be at least 10 years earlier than the date of purchase of the Exchange Order.

The Federative Republic of Brazil


  1. The name and date of birth must be the same as those in your passport.
  2. The date recorded in DATA DE ENTRADA must be at least 10 years earlier than the date of purchase of the Exchange Order.



  1. The name and date of birth must be the same as those in your passport.
  2. The date recorded in PR (Permanent Resident) Since on the reverse side of the Permanent Resident Card must be at least 10 years earlier than the date of purchase of the Exchange Order.
You can purchase an Exchange Order and exchange it for a JAPAN RAIL PASS only if you meet the above conditions for a Permanent Resident Card. If you cannot meet the above conditions, please present a copy of your Overseas Residential Registration or a Certificate of Overseas Residence as written proof.

■ 平成 29 年6月1日以降の引換証発売からの新たなご利用資格

日本国の旅券及び「在留期間が連続して 10 年以上であることを確認できる書類で、在外公 館で取得したもの等」を有する方

※ 日本国外での引換証のお買い求め及び日本国内でのパスへの引換の際に、旅券及び確認書類の提示が必要です。

※ 旅券のコピーでは、引換証のお買い求め及びパスへの引換はできません。

※ 確認書類で連続して 10 年以上の在留期間が確認できない場合は、引換証のお買い求め


■ 確認書類のご案内

1 在外公館が交付する「在留届の写し」(在留届の受付日付が 10 年以上前のものに限る。)

2 在外公館が発行する「在留証明」(「現住所に住所(または居所)を定めた年月日」として、10 年以上前の年月が記載されたものに限る。)

3 なお、当面の間、特例として、「アメリカ、ブラジル、カナダに限り、在留国が発行す

る永住カード(当該国に 10 年以上在留していることが記載されたものに限る。)」も確認 書類として利用できます。 上記1~3のいずれか1つの確認書類はJRパスお申し込み前に交付又は発行された 日付が確認できるものに限ります。

※1については、一通の「在留届の写し」において、同居家族の方の在留期間が連続して10 年以上であることが確認できれば、同居家族の方についても有効となります。

※引換証購入の時点で在留期間が 10 年に満たない小児(12 歳未満)の方については、1の 一通の「在留届の写し」において「在留期間が連続して 10 年以上である方」と同居して いることが確認でき、かつその方と一緒にジャパン・レール・パスを利用する場合、ご利 用資格を満たします。



※「10 年以上」については、引換証のお買い求め時点で「10 年前の同じ月」以前のものが有効です。 (例)2017 年 6 月 1 日に引換証購入の場合「2007 年 6 月」以前のものが有効(2007 年 6 月1日~6 月 30 日は「2007 年 6 月」と見なし有効)


■ 発売期間と引換期間

・日本国外での引換証の発売期間 平成 29 年6月1日~平成 32 年12月 31 日

・日本国内での引換期間 平成 29 年6月1日~平成 33 年3月 30 日


① 在外公館が交付する「在留届の写し」

  1. 在外公館の「受付日付」が引換証をお買い 求めになる日の「10 年以上前」であること
  2. 氏名、生年月日が、旅券に記載されたご本 人と同一であること
  3. 「同居家族」の方は、一通の在留届の写し に記載され、「到着日」が記載されている 場合には、上記1に加え、「到着日」が引 換証をお買い求めになる日の「10年以上前」 である場合に限る(「到着日」が「10 年以 上前」のもので、「受付日付」が「10 年未 満」のものはご利用資格を満たしません)。
    ※ただし、在留期間が 10 年に満たない小児 (12 歳未満)の方(旅券の生年月日欄で 12
    歳未満と確認できる方)は、一通の在留届 の写しにおいて「在留期間が連続して 10 年 以上である方」と同居していることが確認 でき、かつその方と一緒にジャパン・レー ル・パスを利用する場合はご利用資格を満 たします。小児(12 歳未満)の方単独の「在 留届の写し」の場合は、在留期間が 10 年に 満たない時はご利用資格を満たしません。

「交付公館名、交付日」が押印されており、 かつ、交付日が引換証をお買い求めになる日か ら6ヶ月以内であること

② 在外公館が発行する「在留証明」




  1. 氏名、生年月日が、旅券に記載されたご本 人と同一であること (本籍欄の記載は必要ありません)
  2. 「在留証明」の「住所を定めた年月」が引 換証をお買い求めになる日の「10年以上前」 であること 「形式2」で過去の住所が記載されている 場合は、連続して同一の在外公館が管轄す る地域に居住されている場合に限る

    「公館名、発行日、公印」が記載されてお り、かつ、発行日が引換証をお買い求めに なる日から6ヶ月以内であること

    「在留証明」には、「形式1」と「形式2」がありますが、 「形式1」には「過去の住所」、「同居家族」欄はありま せん。

  3. 「転居歴がある場合」は 「形式2」の2枚目にて証明がされていること

    「過去の住所」 :
    あります。一通の証明で当該国に連続して 10 年以上居住されていることが証明

    本確認書類では、在留期間が 10 年に満たない小児(12 歳未満)の方を含む
    同居家族の方は、確認書類として「在留届の写し」を用いるか、または、 個々に「在留証明」をご提示ください。

③ 在留国が発行する「永住カード」


  1. 氏名、生年月日が、旅券に記載されたご本人と同一であること
  2. 「Resident Since」以下に記載された日付が引換証をお買い求めになる日の「10 年以上前」であること


  1. 氏名、生年月日が、旅券に記載されたご本人と同一であること
  2. 「DATA DE ENTRADA」以下に記載された日付が引換証をお買い求めになる日の「10 年以上前」であること


  1. 氏名、生年月日が、旅券に記載されたご本人と同一であること
  2. 永住カード裏面の「PR(Permanent Resident)Since」以下に記載された日付が引換証をお買い求めになる日の「10 年以上前」であること「形式2」の2枚目
各条件を満たさない場合、引換証のお買い求め及びパスへの引換はできません。 確認書類として「在留届の写し」、または「在留証明」をご提示ください。



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