The booking system of our website is currently down for maintenance, please contact us by email instead. (Estimated time it will be available - Thursday January 16th)


UPDATE – 07/07/2020 – COVID-19 AND TRAVEL – Travel deferral fees waiver period extended to 30 September 2020

Konnichiwa, everyone! Since our last update,the rosy outlook we had one month ago has dimmed somewhat, but we will stay positive and continue our work to be better! We’ve been busy adding more diversity to our lineup, hopefully giving people an opportunity to get away closer to home!

We will now be extending our deferral fee waiver period for travel departing from now to the end of September 2020, with credits applicable for travel departing before the end of 2021. We will continue to assess these waiver periods moving forward, and hope to provide the best outcome for everyone, one of fulfilling your adventure, holiday, and relaxation wishes as soon as humanly possible!

Until next time, ki wo tsukete, mata ne!

JTB Australia