Japan’s entertainment show hall themed around “Sumo”, a traditional Japanese sport boasting a 1,500-year history, is now open in Osaka. The spectacular and intense performances by former sumo wrestlers on the elevated dohyo stage will captivate everyone. At THE SUMO HALL HIRAKUZA OSAKA, not only can you enjoy sumo shows while dining, but there are also programs where you can interact with the sumo wrestlers on the dohyo and even take commemorative photos. THE SUMO HALL HIRAKUZA OSAKA invites you to experience an extraordinary moment in a special place where experiential entertainment, stunning shows, and the charm of Japanese culture come together.
① Doors open at 17:00 - Show starts at 18:00
② Doors open at 20:00 - Shows starts at 21:00
Approximately 60 minutes + commemorative photo, etc. (Opening act, introduction, demonstration, sumo experience, etc. Commemorative photo taken at the end)
Offered in
What is included
Bento Box
What is not included
Hotel pickup and drop-off, Transfer to/from THE SUMO HALL HIRAKUZA OSAKA
At THE SUMO HALL HIRAKUZA OSAKA, not only can you enjoy sumo shows while dining, but there are also programs where you can interact with the sumo wrestlers on the dohyo and even take commemorative photos. THE SUMO HALL HIRAKUZA OSAKA invites you to experience an extraordinary moment in a special place where experiential entertainment, stunning shows, and the charm of Japanese culture come together.
All performers are former Sumo wrestlers, and the stage (“dohyo” ) is actual size.
There will also be an explanation of sumo rules and decision-making
Powerful performances by Rikishi ( Sumo wrestlers )
Sumo experience (limited number of people)
Commemorative pictures with featured wrestlers
Seats may be separated if there are not enough seats available.
The session will be cancelled after 10 minutes of inactivity.
Closed : Every Tuesday, Year-end and New Year's holidays (31st December & 1st January)
Number of seats -Approx. 180 seats